Infidel - 2008-10-17 02:17

Garai's Interface - click -

Here's my list of WoW AddOns. You may download, install and update
these at any time using WowMatrix at

AckisRecipeList - Displays a list of missing recipes for your trade skills.  Works with all trade skills, including rogue poisons and hunter beast training.

Atlas - Instance Map Browser

Atlas_Battlegrounds - Battleground Maps

Atlas_DungeonLocs - Dungeon Locations

Atlas_FlightPaths - Flight Path Maps

Atlas_OutdoorRaids - Outdoor Raid Encounters

AtlasLoot - Shows the possible loot from the bosses

AtlasLoot_BCInstances - AtlasLoot loot tables from Burning Crusade instances

AtlasLoot_Crafting - AtlasLoot loot tables of Crafting Items

AtlasLoot_OldInstances - AtlasLoot loot tables from pre-Burning Crusade instances

AtlasLoot_RepFactions - AtlasLoot loot tables from all reputation factions

AtlasLoot_SetsandPvP - AtlasLoot loot tables Sets and PvP Rewards

AtlasLoot_WorldLoot - AtlasLoot loot tables from outdoor raid bosses and world events

AtlasQuest - Shows the Quests for the instance.

AwesomePlayerPortrait - Adds the elite dragon or rare dragon around the portrait of player characters and pets. Inspired by ElitePlayerPortraits by Xaviér.

BaudBag - Allows you to combine bags as well as customize their display.

BMRecLevel - Displays the zone level range of the zone you are in and also gives you a suggested zone to be in.

BonusScanner - Scans your Equipment for cumulative item bonuses and sums them up.  Updated for 2.0 by jmlsteele. Currently maintained and updated by Tristanian.

EquipCompare - Compare items easily with ones you have equipped (2.13)

GFW_DisenchantPredictor - A quick reference to sources of Enchanting materials.

ItemPriceTooltip - Adds vendor sell value to item tooltips.

MobInfo2 - Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame

MobInfo2_Browser - Lets you browse and search a ton of data in your MobInfo database.

MobMap - An ingame universal database (v2.12)

MozzFullWorldMap - MFWM (Fan's Update):Shows Unexplored Areas of the Map. Compatible with The Burning Crusade Expansion Pack.

Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.

QuestHelper - Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.

Recount - Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display

Titan - Adds a control panel/info bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Allows users to control time/volume/panel scale/transparency, also displays important information such as money/bag/latency/FPS/Location/XP in real time.

TitanAmmo - Adds an ammo monitor to Titan Panel.

TitanBag - Adds bag and free slot information to Titan Panel

TitanClock - Adds a clock to Titan Panel

TitanCoords - Adds Co-Ordinates and location information to Titan Panel

TitanGoldTracker - Keeps track of all gold held by a player's toons on a per server/faction basis.

TitanHonor - Counts estimated honor gained from HKs and BGs.

TitanItemBonuses - Adds the ability to display bonuses from items you are wearing to Titan Panel

TitanLootType - Adds group loot information to Titan Panel

TitanPerformance - Adds FPS, Latency, AddOn Memory usage, and Garbage collection information to Titan Panel

TitanQuests - A quest list for Titan Panel

TitanRegen - Adds a regen monitor to Titan panel to show HP/MANA regen

TitanRepair - Adds the ability to auto repair items and inventory at vendors

TitanRider - Adds the auto changing of riding enchanted inventory items when you mount

TitanXP - Adds information to Titan Panel about XP earned and time to level


Zygor's Leveling Guida 1-70 + Cartographer - Adds the fastest way [quests with coordinates, routes, tactics etc. - cartographer dependency ] to reach lv. 70 from lv.1 - good for new players. Many steps, friendly interface... check it!

Alathariel/Groshnar - 2008-10-17 11:10

ble tam, ja tam nie mam zamiaru wypisywac listy addonow jakie mam bo mam ich bodaj 144 (najrozniejsze addony dla roznych klas postaci i profesji) a zeby mi az tak wow od nich nie mulil to mam zainstalowane 2 rozne wowy :P jeden z addonami dla szama rogala i woja a drogi dla hunta preja maga i locka i pala ktorego kiedys mialem ^^

Agita - 2008-10-17 16:37

Taka moja jedna mała uwaga. Czerwony kolor jest zarezerwowany wyłącznie dla administracji forum, więc proszę userów o nie używanie go. :) Wszystkie inne barwy są do Naszej dyspozycji.

Alathariel/Groshnar - 2008-10-17 17:14

Spoko Agita, da sie zrobic :) na pewno nikt nie bedzie uzywal juz czerwonego kolorku, prawda ludziska? ;)

Infidel - 2008-10-17 22:10

Ok, przystosuję się, zresztą i tak widzę wszystko na czerwono, bo mam taki skin forum ;]

Adam - 2008-10-18 02:19

Infidel napisał:

Ok, przystosuję się, zresztą i tak widzę wszystko na czerwono, bo mam taki skin forum ;]

A my widzimy teraz szare na jasno brazowym... wiec nie mozesz sie skarzyc jezeli nie uda nam sie przeczytac co piszesz :)
